Friday, January 18, 2008

A boy and his dino

The following two e-mails sum up what our family went through went Grant's favorite stuffed animal was lost:


Friends -- please help Grant by passing along this e-mail message. I am turning over every stone in the hopes of finding a replacement!!!!

I am a mother here in Austin, Texas writing this in desperation. I am hoping that you have and can sell me a Jellycat Junglie Croc. My two year old son has grown extremely attached to this stuffed animal, and yesterday we lost him in Target off of I-35 and he is now nowhere to be found. He cried for two hours before finally falling asleep without him last night and spent the entire night tossing and turning and crying out for him. Today he has gotten so worked up that he has thrown up twice and is not wanting to eat anything.
I have never seen him like this, he is beyond devastated.

I have searched the store we lost him top to bottom, made flyer's, and also searched all 6 stores in my city of Austin Texas that carry the Jellycat brand. I have called the manufacturer, put postings on mother's boards and am now searching the internet in hopes that someone out there can help us find a new one. This is an older model of Jellycat toys so apparently it is not made anymore. The sites that I have found on google, are sold out of this item. Please, Please let me know if you have this item and are willing to sell it to us! Please feel free to forward to on to anyone you know!
HELP, please our family is desperate! Here is a link to a picture of the toy we need:


I am so happy to report that Grant has been reunited with his best buddy, "dino" (the jellycat junglie croc) that we had been missing for two days!!!
Amazingly a lady who lives in Pflugerville had bought all of the Junglie animals when her some was born two years ago for a jungle themed nursery.
The croc has sat on his bookshelf as decoration, but he was never really that interested in him. She saw my desperate post on Craigslist and gladly met this morning and sold me the like new croc!

On the way to pick him up, I told Grant that a lady called and she found his Dino and washed him and was bringing him to us. So when he saw the (new) dino his reaction was a look of scrutiny (I was holding my breath) and then
- "Dino got a bath! He's so clean!"

After two nights of not sleeping well and no naps he fell asleep in the car briefly on the way back from picking up Dino. I can not tell you what it felt like to look in the review mirror and see him peacefully asleep with his best buddy. All is right with the world!!!

I would like to send a heartfelt thanks to the many people who expressed their concern for us and were helping us to try to find the replacement. I have gotten over 50 e-mails and countless phone calls from total strangers who genuinely wanted to help us find him. I really appreciate all of you who researched, made phone calls and sent prayers to St. Anthony.

In closing, I will be continuing to search for a back up dino so hopefully we never have to go through this again! If you run across one, I will gladly buy it from you. To those of you who found the three websites online that had him listed, they are actually sold out -- I called them all yesterday before sending the e-mail. I think the only way to find a back up is through other people's collections.

Once again THANK YOU everyone!!!

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